Led Zeppelin – Ramble On

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2021-03-08 Led Zeppelin – Ramble On

If you care, here is a transcription for Led Zeppelin`s Ramble On
 (Note: I am doing this without my bass so there may be a couple mistakes; 
 Listen to the recording for the timing.
 G       7/11 11/9   | 	7/13 13/11 11/9     | 	 6 9 6      :|
 D   9 7           11|  			11 9| 7 9 	9   :|
 A 7 		    | 7			    |		    :|
 E		    |			    |		    :|
 ^this is the verse.  Watch for variations, as Jones sometimes omits the D 
 flat at the end of the 1st phrase
 G		     |	                 |
 D		     |			 | 
 A	    6 77 76  | 		6 77 76  |
 E 0 2 4 5 7 	   7 |0 2 4 5 7 	7|
 ^this is the pre-Chorus - be careful, the timing is tricky
 D     9			 14    12      12    13 14	
 A 7 7   7	12 12 12    12 	 12 12    12 
 E	  0 2 4 
 ^this takes some practice to get right
 unfortunately, on the bridge it is hard to hear the bass, but the 
 progression is |A|A/E|A/G|A|A/E|A then back to the verse
 with hammer ons, something like
 D 6h7 6h7 
 A	   5h7 5h7
 and then repeating.  Sorry if there are any mistakes :-)

Led Zeppelin - Ramble On аккорды

guitar chord G

Разбор Led Zeppelin - Ramble On на гитаре

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