Rolling Stones – Sweet Virginia

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2021-01-18 Rolling Stones – Sweet Virginia
D                      B                 A
Wading through the waste        stormy winter
Thank you for your wine            California
D                      B                  A
and there's   not a friend  to help you through
thank you   for your sweet   and bitter fruits
D                      A                  A        D
Trying to stop the waves  behind your eye-balls     
Yes   I  got  the   desert   in   my     toe-nail   
A                     E                        A   D
Drop your reds       drop your greens  an blues
And I hid the speed insdie       my       shoes
D                    B                 A
Come on,  come on down,   Sweet    Virginia
D                     B                 A
Come on,  honey  Child     I beg of    you 
D                     B                 A        D
Come on,  come on down,     you got it in you
A                         E            A 
Got to scrape that shit   right off your shoes

Rolling Stones - Sweet Virginia аккорды

guitar chord A
guitar chord B
guitar chord D
guitar chord E

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