Nickelback – Mistake

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2021-04-12 Nickelback – Mistake
Куплет играется также как и вступление
В припеве аккорды проставлены.
слова: I've never been lost  never been found...
играются со  вступлением
 So i sift and drift through bullshit
 That plagues from day to day
 Whould you ever really noticed
 I'm gone away
 I'm over the wall
 Over the hill
 Over your place
 I'm over the safeteys
 Over the phonecalls
 Over the rage
 What a mistake
 When you lost the stones to throw
 Ones i found to make a fire
 And the lonely souls who said so
 Get fired
 I'm over the wall
 Over the hill
 Over your place
 I'm over the safeteys
 Over the phonecalls
 Over the rage
 What a mistake
 I've never been lost
 Never been found
 It makes no difference
 If i'am around
 It's never been words
 Never been actions
 Never been promises i've never kept
 I'm over the wall
 Over the hill
 Over your place
 I'm over the safeteys
 Pullin' on your treads i'm always
 Over the phonecalls
 Pullin' on your treads i'm always
 Over the rage
 Pullin' on your treads i'm always
 What a mistake

Nickelback - Mistake аккорды

guitar chord B
guitar chord F
guitar chord D#

Разбор Nickelback - Mistake на гитаре

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