Marilyn Manson – Te Fight Song

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2020-10-07 Marilyn Manson – Te Fight Song
Intro: Fm# Em Fm# A 
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Nothing suffocates you more than
the passing of everyday human events
isolation is the oxygen mask you make
your children breath into survive
But I'm not a slave to a god
that doesn't exist
I'm not a slave to a world
that doesn't give a shit
 A           Fm#        A               Fm#
and when we were good, you just closed your eyes
 G           Fm         A               Fm
So when we are bad we're going to scar your minds
You'll never grow up to be a big-rock-star-celebrated-victim-of-your-fame
They'll just cut our wrists like
cheap coupons and say that death
was on sale today
and when we were good, you just closed your eyes when we are bad...we're scar your minds
But I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist
and I'm not a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of one is a tragedy
The death of a million is just a statistic

<pre class="Chorus“>FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

Marilyn Manson - Te Fight Song аккорды

guitar chord A
guitar chord Fm
guitar chord G

Разбор Marilyn Manson - Te Fight Song на гитаре

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