Depeche Mode – Shame

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2021-02-06 Depeche Mode – Shame
Do you ever get that feeling
          A               E
When the guilt begins to hurt?
Seeing all the children
    A         E
Wallowing in dirt
Crying out with hunger
  A            E
Crying out in pain
At least the dirt will wash off
  A                E
When it starts to rain 
 H                A         H
Soap won't wash away your shame 
Do you ever get the feeling
That something isn't right?
Seeing your brother's fist
Clenched ready for the fight
Soon the fighting turns to weapons
And the weapons turn to wounds
So the doctor's stitch and stitch and stitch
And stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch 
Surgery won't improve your pain 
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid? 
Do you ever get the feeling
That something can't be done?
To eradicate these problems
And make the people one
Do you ever get that feeling
Something like a nagging itch?
And all the while the doctors stitch
And stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch 
Hope alone won't remove the stains (for shame) 
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to five up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid?

Depeche Mode - Shame аккорды

guitar chord A
guitar chord H
guitar chord Hm
guitar chord E

Разбор Depeche Mode - Shame на гитаре

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