Bob Dylan – Mr tambourine man2

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2021-02-26 Bob Dylan – Mr tambourine man2
From: [email protected] (Howard Wright (???))
 For Tambourine man, as played by Mr Dylan, you have to use a dropeed D tuning
 I.e tune to : DADGBE
 (drop only the low E to a D)
 Then when you play a D chord you can strum all the strings, and the 3 bass 
 Strings really fill out he sound.
 I use these chords and shapes :
 G/B        A        D             G/B        D             G/B     Em      A
 Hey Mr   Tamb man  play a song 4 me I'm not sleepy & there aint noplace...going
 Asus4  A
 Then repeat these for the next line , but play D instead of Asus4 and A
 All the rest of the song is basically the same, but he repeats the D  G/B bit
 A lot to suit the words
 E.g for 'hands too numb to grip, toes too numb to step...' or whatever it is,
 He keeps repeating these two chords till he gets towards the end of the line
 And he carries on with Em A Asus4 A
 Shapes :
 000232   020003    x02220     222000    x02230    000230
  D        G/B         A         Em       Asus4      Dsus2
 He sometimes adds a Dsus2 instead of a D
 This should sound the same as the record

Bob Dylan - Mr tambourine man2 аккорды

guitar chord A
guitar chord B
guitar chord D
guitar chord E
guitar chord Em
guitar chord G
guitar chord Asus4
guitar chord Dsus2

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