Aerosmith – Dude Looks Like A Lady

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2021-04-27 Aerosmith – Dude Looks Like A Lady
From: [email protected]
 Dude (Look Like A Lady)
 By Aerosmith
 Words and Music by Steven Tyler,
 Joe Perry, and Desmond Child
    A5       G5   A5  D5     G5 D5
 -------------------------------|	Repeat this Riff
 |-10-10-10--8-8--10--7-7-7-7-8-7-----------|	4X, until the horns
 |--9--9--9--7-7---9--7-7-7-7-7-7-----------|	start, then repeat
 |--7--7--7--5-5---7--7-7-7-7-7-7-----------|	this 4 more times.
 			Dude Look like a lady
 	Once the lyrics start play the same riff over and over again.  Also
 repeat it with the Chorus.  After Chorus and verses play this.
    A5       G5         A5     F5
    Baby let me follow you     down.  Let me take a peak dear.
 Right before the solo it goes like this...
       D5       C5         D5  E5                     G5
 	Baby let me follow you down..  Do me, do me, do me, sue me.
 Just follow this for the rest of the song.  I think that the solo is in A,
 so just make it up.
 Questions or comments, please!
 [email protected]

Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like A Lady аккорды

guitar chord E5
guitar chord G5
guitar chord A5
guitar chord C5
guitar chord D5

Разбор Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like A Lady на гитаре

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